Monday, March 23, 2009

The Sacrificial Duck

Well, here it is, barely 10am, and both TJ and Emma have been sentenced to a nap after lunch (among other things)....all because of the sacrificial duck.

Emma is not feeling well; she did her schoolwork but then settled into the couch during her normal "outside time". TJ was playing with the twins' teething duck (soft duck, hard extremities) and approached Emma to explain that in "TJ Pretend Land" the duck had died on the cross.

Maybe this would be a good time for a little detour.... Yes, I know TJ was being sacrilegious, but I don't think TJ understood that at all. He was just pretending, and at least he's starting to think about some of the important things about Christianity. When the whole Sacrificial Duck ordeal was over, I did redirect his play efforts toward something more theologically appropriate.

Back to Emma on the couch.... snuggled in covers and watching a Dora math video. As best as I can figure, Emma didn't want to take the time to explain to TJ why pretending the duck had died on the cross was innapropriate. So, to speed up the process, she sat up and punched him in the chest. Then she settled back down on the couch.

TJ, of course, was not pleased with the turn in conversation.... So he started wailing on Emma with the duck, hard limbs and all. Pretty soon they were a rolling heep of screaming children on the living room floor. Melanie, by the way, thought this was hysterical from her perch in the swing.

I could hear the bedlam but was in the middle of changing Marsha's diaper. I rushed the job, wondering how in the world the house had gone from content children taking a school break to what sounded like World War 3, with Melanie's "toe laugh" thrown in for good measure, in less than one diaper change.

Upon entering the living room, I had to stifle a smile. TJ and Emma are best friends, but when they get side-ways with each other...all bets are off. I settled Marsha in the excersaucer, and pulled apart the screeching wrestlers, and suddenly became a referee. The combatants separated to their own corners and explained why the other one was angry with them (I have found that much more effective than asking what the other did wrong). TJ had no idea what had disturbed Emma, which is apparently what had upset him so much. Emma justified it all by explaining that she was just doing her job as a "Christian soldier."

So, both children have had some individual lessons with Mom about exactly what Jesus sacrificed for us, and how a duck would just not do, as well as what it means to be a "Christian soldier."

It's not naptime yet, and Mason needs to move on to history, so I suppose that wraps up this post. I hope our family made you smile.... I'm pretty sure my best friend is still laughing. Being a Mom is such a great adventure :)