Friday, March 20, 2009

The Little Man...not so little, actually

Mason.... What to say about Mason? Well, for starters, I'm pretty sure that my Mom was right: God gave us nine year olds so we would still love them when they're fourteen. I love this age! He's growing up...laughing at things that are actually funny, caring about things that matter, connecting abstract principles to the happenings of the world around him....

And such a sense of humor.... We were in Walmart the other day (yes, I realize many of my blogs revolve around Walmart; we're there a LOT). Someone stopped us and asked how old the babies were; I answered six months. This lady then asked if they were twins.... I was so shocked that someone could wonder if two babies, both six months old, looking an amazingly lot alike, were twins...all I could think to say was "yes." As we walked away, Mason elbowed me and announced, "Here's your sign."

Mason has a very tender heart, too. When he was... oh, I guess about five, Hannah had just been diagnosed with autism the year before. She was very much lost in herself at that point, but Mason was always very patient with her and loving to her. I'll never forget turning around one day and realizing I had not seen Mason for a while.... I found him crying in his bed. When I asked him what was wrong, he just continued to cry in my arms. Finally he asked me, "Why doesn't Hannah love me?" A few weeks later he fought with another little boy on a playground because his friend had made fun of Hannah. This year he went to a nursing home and hit it off with a man who was pretty well lost in dimentia.... all of the other kids were afraid of the fellow. His leader asked him later how he was so comfortable with the older gentleman, and Mason explained to him that sometimes God makes people Hannah...but He loves them just as much, so Mason would love them, too.

Talk about making a Mom proud.

I probably have more stories about Mason than about any other child....

When he was three, almost four, and we were expecting Emma.... Hannah was still a baby, maybe 8 or 9 months old, when one day I heard over the baby monitor Mason telling Hannah in a very serious voice, "Don't worry Hannah, Mommy and Daddy will find you a good home." I guess he thought there was just enough room for two, and since he wasn't going anywhere....

I'll share more stories here and there in future posts.... I think you'll come to enjoy Mason in a special way!