Tuesday, November 11, 2008

   I love my microwave convection oven.  It was a Christmas present last year, and I firmly believe it to be God's gift to the busy mom.  This amazing appliance is still a microwave, but also an oven.  And best of all, it can combine the two functions and produce food that seems baked but takes half the time.  Hopefully my blog will be like that today... appear well prepared and painstakingly presented but be completed in the three minutes I have before lunch is finished and ready to come out of the oven!

  If you have a four year old little boy with a mischevious sparkle in his eye, you know how interesting they can make life.  Even just the things they say.... Our little boy, Thomas, was asking about our plans for later in the week.  I explained to him again that we're leaving for the dentist's office at 6:15 in the morning (the appt is 7:20 and we live an hour away... yes, I'm a little crazy; did you forget that I have six children?) where all four of the "big kids" are having their teeth cleaned.  Then we'll be heading back to our town for Emma and the babies to have a visit with the pediatrician (don't even get me started on their office!).  Emma is turning six the next day and is due for some shots; the babies just need another weight check.  Thomas was informed that his role was to sit quietly in the little cell of a room that really isn't made for seven people while the doctor checks out his sisters. Afterwards, we're going home to take a well deserved, however unpopular, nap.  Thomas digested this series of events and looked up at me with those big blue eyes and commented that I'm pretty smart because no matter WHAT happens on Thursday (and yes, he emphasized "what") Emma's birthday will seem like a good day after such a "stinky, lousy, horrible day-before Emma's birthday."  

So, you've met Thomas.  If his mouth is open, it's probably not true.  If he's moving, it's either as slow as a snail or as fast as a whirlwind.  If he's awake, he's in trouble or diligently looking for it. He's a sweet child, but he definitely could be used as proof that boys act first and think, maybe, later!  :)  

Come back soon and meet another of our clan.....

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to blogging! Aren't boys fun???? I swear my middle one is the reason I have gray hair!! I also know we wouldn't trade them for the world.

    I can't wait to read more. Love ya!
