Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Another smile worth knowing....

This is my miracle of a daughter. Hannah was diagnosed with classic nonverbal autism when she was two. And when they say nonverbal, they mean nonverbal. She had never made any noise other than to cry when she was hungry. She liked cuddling with her father and me, but never looked at our faces and couldn't stand having anyone else even acknowledge her presence. We were blessed with an early diagnosis and a dream therapist who worked with her and trained us and other therapists in the Verbal Behavior Modification techniques. Now, at seven, she is different but very functional. Her diagnosis has been changed to savante autistic because of her IQ and patterning abilities, but we're just glad to know her.

Hannah loves her youngest twin sisters, Melanie and Marsha. Somehow, though, she managed to go for four months without realizing how cloth diapers are cleaned. One day when I was rinsing a dirty diaper in the toilet (and talking to my best friend Amanda), Hannah sauntered in to request help on her math page. She stared at me and finally asked what exactly I was doing. (With quite a bit of disgust in her voice, I might add.) I told her I was rinsing out the diaper, and she asked why in the world I was doing that in there!?! I looked up at her (while studiously ignoring Amanda's giggles) and asked her where else I would rinse out a dirty diaper. She thought for a minute and replied.... "I don't know.... in the WASHER?" I didn't have much to say to that, partly because it was a very logical thought for a seven year old, and partly because Amanda was laughing to loud for me to think of an appropriate reply.

So, now you know how drole this beautiful child can be. If you have children of your own, enjoy each and every question they ask, argument they make, and comment they offer.... Their voice is a gift for which we often forget to be thankful.


  1. ROFL I still laugh when I think about it. That was possibly one of the funniest moments I've ever experienced with your children. The only other thing that comes close was when TJ was hiding from you and I got to hear the "uh oh" when you found him :D I love your kids.

  2. I had forgotten all about TJ's hiding escapade... What was he, two? I'll have to post about that soon.... That's a classic boy story. :)
